sreda, 12 marca, 2025
This year, the celebration of the reunification of the Primorska region to the Slovenian homeland takes place in Nova Gorica on September 15th. That same day marks the celebration of the 70th anniversary of the start of construction of the new city (Nova Gorica) along the border. There is...

On life, death and passion

This week Primorska24 takes a look at two international high points of Slovenian culture taking place in November, both dealing with the eternal questions of life, death, passion and soul seeking. And even if you missed the first one, tickets for the Turcu ballet’s performance in Udine are still available. Pandur’s...
On November 11th Slovenia will celebrate St. Martin’s Day, which is one of the most popular celebrations in the country related to wine and wine culture. Although the main events will take place on Saturday and Sunday, the celebrations start a week in advance and have in the past...
In our recent article we prepared a short summary of the largest Slovene culinary event, Restaurant Week. This week our attention focuses not only on great Karst food but also tries to offer you some delicious food for thought in light of the upcoming local elections in Slovenia, which...
For food enthusiasts, gourmets, and wine lovers Slovenia is holding its largest biannual nationwide culinary event. Restaurant Week, or Teden Restavracij, returned to Slovenia this October, with restaurants across the country participating in this event from 12-21 October. We’ve prepared a short summary of this delicious week, which will be...
This week was marked by the opening of the TINTA (i.e., INK) comics festival which began with musical storytelling at the old Ljubljana Navje Memorial Park and which has already spilled over from the Slovene Capital to the port city of Koper where an opening of an exhibition by...


Vstop v drugo polletje zaznamovan s padci delniških tečajev in rastjo cene nafte

Potem ko so delniški trg prvo polovico leta zaključili z več kot solidnimi donosnostmi, je med vlagatelji v preteklem tednu prevladovala zaskrbljenost, da bodo...

Kako izbrati najboljše jedilne stole?

Pri izbiri opreme za dom ima vsakdo svoj okus. Na voljo so raznovrstni slogi in dizajni, zato ne obstaja univerzalna rešitev, ki bi bila...

Policija potrdila: Streljal in žalil je policist Dušan Djogić, doletel ga je notranjevarnostni postopek

Pred dnevi smo razkrili, da je policist in pomočnik komandirja novogoriške Policijske postaje za izravnalne ukrepe Dušan Djogić več tednov javno žalil in preko...